The Faye & Max Warshafsky Medical Research Scholarship Fund at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem was established by the Warsh and Warshafsky families in January 2016 to honour the memory of their parents, Faye and Max.
We all have a family member or friend impacted by mental health disorders. We are all touched by this broad spectrum of disorders and yet it is such an under-funded area. Resources to support those that live with depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, anxiety disorders or any other disorder along the spectrum are scarce. In large part these disorders result from some kind of bio-chemical imbalance. While research in this area is taking place in many top institutions around the world, the Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University is a leader in mental health disorders research.
This scholarship of $15,000 USD will be awarded annually to a deserving Post-Doctoral student studying at the world renowned Faculty of Medicine at The Hebrew University in the field of research dealing with mental health disorders.
To donate to The Faye & Max Warshafsky Fund please click here:
For further information, call Esther Schlesinger, Alumni Relations, CFHU, at 415-485-8000.