Dear Playoff Football Fans,
CFHU’s Annual Playoff Football Madness Tournament Registration is now open.
As you know, the proceeds from previous CFHU Madness Sports Tournaments supported scholarships for Canadian students to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI). At this critical time, we will be supporting HUJI’s We Are One Emergency Fund.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem community represents a large segment of Israeli society. With over 28,000 members, no one has remained untouched by the horrors unleashed by Hamas terrorists on innocent Israeli citizens.
The fund will accommodate fast-changing and immediate needs. It will be managed by the University leadership to support those affected by the war and its aftermath. Please read more about it here. We Are One Campaign Hebrew U.
Register for Playoff Football Madness
Cost is $60.00 per entry.
Once registered, you will receive an email confirmation with an electronic tax receipt for the allowable amount along with the tournament instructions
Complete the pick sheet and rank all 14 NFL teams competing in the Playoffs from strongest (14 points) to weakest (1 point) (Your pick sheet must be completed prior to the first playoff game and can’t be changed once the games are underway)
Registration deadline: January 13th, 2024 at 4pm
For further information on our Playoff Football Power Ranking Tournament and Prizing please click here.
CLICK HERE to register for Playoff Football Madness!
Thank you again for your ongoing support for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year.
Lorne Persiko & Michael Kraft
Co-Chairs, 2023/24 Madness Tournaments Committee

Thank you to our Madness Tournaments Committee
Lorne Persiko, Co-Chair
Michael Kraft, Co-Chair
Ira Lindenberg
Karen Goldstein
Michael Konikoff
Rhonda Ronson
Gary Rudson
CFHU Staff: Esther Schlesinger, Alumni Relations